Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pre-construction meeting on May 30th

We just have had the pre-construction meeting with our PM, SR and realtor on May 30th. It has been about a month since we finalized our selections and upgrades on April 27th. The pre-construction meeting was about one month late than we expected when our SR informed us the rough pre-construction meeting during our meeting on April 27th.  We understand that we need to wait because she explained to us that Ryan has many constructions signed recently. Our meeting location is just right in front our lot.  Most of the neighborhoods around our lot are either occupied or near the ending of the construction. To my surprise, there are many varieties of pretty wildflowers thriving in our lot.  I will stop by again during the weekend to take pictures before it was mowed away next week.

We started meeting with our PM and SR on time without waiting our realtor who came in late after we almost finished half of the blue print review. Our PM showed us our plot plan, exact location of our house in the lot, and explained to us where the electricity, water, and gas lines enter the house. We do not know where the sew line location yet. We will ask next week.  Our previous house has a large yard and lots of surrounding bushes and trees especially in the back yard.  Tough it was pretty and provided us lots of privacy, it cost efforts to mow the lawn in summer and clear the leaves in fall. We decided to choose a much smaller lot without trees in the back yard for our second house.

Our PM reviewed blue print for each floor plan with us on our choices and upgrades while our SR confirm each selection in her computer. He explained to us that there will be a closet with utility lines located in one side of the bathroom in basement. This closet will change appearance of our basement layout slightly. I asked that if it is possible that the utility closet can be moved to the middle between the bathroom and downstair closet, which is what we saw in one of the florence model houses and does not affect the basement layout. Our PM told us that he can do it.  The foundation of the house have water-proofing treatment and the lot will be graded to make water flowing away from the house. But there is no sump pump in our basement since it is not needed with soil type in our community. All houses built in our community have no sump pumps, and there have been no complains of water problem in the basement yet. Hopefully, the basement will be much drier than our previous house basement, which needed humidifier in summer since it was so moisture. We are told that the new house does not need humidifier at all with the water proofing treatment for the foundation and the proper grading of the lot.

There will be two formal meetings with our PM during the construction process,
  - pre-Drywall meeting: which will allow us to see what behind the drywall, about 1-2 months before closing and the time to fix our mortgage rate.
  - pre-Settlement meeting: which will be a few days before closing date and let us get familiar with our new house.

Besides above formal meetings during the construction process, we can drive by regularly to take pictures from the outside of the house. But we need to call and schedule time if we want to see inside of the house for safety reasons. One staff from Ryan will accompany us to see inside the house. After the closing date, there will be a 30 day review and a 8 month review of the house. Ryan will take care of needed repairs within one year.

Before finished our meeting, we walked around our lot just across the street together and got more detail explanations about lot plan.  It looks like our current lot is not so small as we thought.  It sure will cost some efforts to mow the lawn in summer, but there should not be too much leaves to clear in fall. Our PM told us that he will monitor the weather forecast to break the ground next week. Then follows the foundation pouring. It is getting excited.


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